Patrick Waldmann


  • Auftraggeber: Kino
  • Art: Kurzfilm
  • Funktion: Regie und Kamera
  • Laufzeit: 7:14
  • 2018

For as long as I am making Films I was eager to shoot a film in which dance is more than a scene filling sidekick. Actually a musical would be my most wanted next project. On my way there, I had the chance to meet Nora Pfahl and her amazing dancing students. It was clear at first sight…we had to work togehter.
We combined a thrilling mingle of energy, discipline and joy of the of the young pupils with a choreography originally made for professional adult dancers by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker in 1983. This was the start of our Film Fricke-Ticke



Patrick Waldmann

Dorotheenstrasse 8
42105 Wuppertal

Mobil: +49 172-3977374